The below links are a compilation of useful external websites on a variety of topics.
GIS Resources
- Carten Braun’s GIS Resources
- A Gentle Introduction to GIS A resource by QGIS that details many of the GIS theories behind the software
- Map Projections An overview of map projects from the U.S. Geological Survey
- Map projections poster from the USGS
Software & Software Tutorials
GIS Software
- ESRI ArcGIS Industry standard GIS software (note: this is software for-purchase)
- QGIS An open-source GIS that has many similar capabilities as ArcGIS and other paid versions of GIS. Although it has some limitations, it is growing in popularity.
- GRASS GIS An open source GIS designed for data management, image processing and other tasks
- Hexagon Geospatial Creators of ERDAS Imagine, a predominantly remote-sensing GIS software (note: this is software for-purchase)
GIS Software Tutorials
- Learn ArcGIS Guided lessons on using the ArcGIS software using real-world applications
- ArcGIS Pro Quick-Start Tutorials
- QGIS Training Manual The official training manual for the QGIS software
- QGIS Documentation Additional QGIS documentation for both the current release as well as the testing software
- QGIS Tutorials and Tips More QGIS tutorials
- GRASS GIS Tutorials
GIS Data Sources
- MassGIS The location of open GIS data for Massachusetts
- CT DEEP GIS data from the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection
- National Park Service Various data categories about national parks (e.g., boundaries, campsites, facilities, forestry, etc.)
- TNRIS Data Catalog The GIS data catalog from the Texas Natural Resources Information System
- The Texas General Land Office
Online Resources
- Canva Create logos, infographics, letterheads, business cards and more.
- PicToChart Create infographics designed for the web, online presentations, and posters to print
Blogs, Websites, and More!
- Interesting Stuff Online A predominantly geography and GIS-related blog by Carten Braun.
- Spatial Reserves A guide to public domain spatial data (a blog by Joseph Kerski and Jill Clark)
- Free Geography Tools Discusses free GIS, GPS, and Google Earth tools.
- GIS Geography A website about GIS and geography
- GIS Lounge A GIS information portal
- Geospatial World A world-wide information source for GIS professionals
- Anything Geospatial -AnyGeo
- ESRI News
Programming Resources
- Hello World Getting started with GitHub
- GitHub Guides Short written tutorials to get you up to speed with GitHub
- GitHub Videos Training guides to GitHub
- An Intro to Git and GitHub for Beginners Another tutorial around GitHub, but also gives an intro to Git and command line usage
GUIs and Interfaces
- Project Jupyter An open-source interface for Python, R, and Julia
- Anaconda An open-source Python and R data science GUI that is supported on all computer platforms
- JetBrains Creator of the PyCharm GUI, among others. Both pay-for-use and free versions are available
- SAS Online Documentation
- SAS e-Learning
- IDRE SAS Learning Modules Learning modules and other SAS learning resources from the Institute for Digital Research and Education center from UCLA
- PennState Eberly College of Science Online Course Notes